Entries by UKESM project

New TerraFIRMA web site

We’ve just launched the new TerraFIRMA website at TerraFIRMA – Future Impacts, Risks and Mitigation Actions in a changing Earth system. You can keep up-to-date with developments as the TerraFIRMA project develops, including news, events, resources and publications. If you have any news or ideas for the website, please contact terrafirma@ncas.ac.uk

Linking the climate modelling community with satellite climate datasets

Hannah Griffith and Amy Doherty, Met Office Through its Climate Change Initiative (CCI), ESA develops a suite of satellite data records of 36 key components of the climate system, known as Essential Climate Variables (ECVs). The CCI programme also comprises a dedicated Climate Modelling User Group (CMUG) project which places a climate system perspective at […]

Newsletter 17 – June 2023

NEWSLETTER June 2023 UKESM develops, applies and analyses UK Earth system models to deliver projections of future change TerraFIRMA – Future impacts, risks and mitigation actions in a changing Earth system CONTENTS Global-scale evaluation of a coastal ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) scheme in UKESM1 Reaching net zero is going to take drastic action. Earth system […]

Are you using global fire model outputs?

Help us collect good practices for using global fire model outputs We all know that fire modelling is hard! And that fire models are not perfect. But they are still useful, when used in the right way. Can you help us with some examples of where this is the case? Extreme fire events in recent […]

Newsletter 16 – December 2022

NEWSLETTER December 2022 UKESM develops, applies and analyses UK Earth system models to deliver projections of future change TerraFIRMA – Future impacts, risks and mitigation actions in a changing Earth system CONTENTS TerraFIRMA Update on Progress TerraFIRMA is making progress in a number of areas across the project including: warming overshoot scenarios, UKESM1 methane emissions […]


There will be plenty of science at COP27! Check out the COP27 IPCC Programme for the events that are being streamed from Egypt, the EU COP27 UN Climate Change Conference: EU side events that are on-site or online, and the UK Pavilion Programme Fiona O’Connor from the Met Office will be talking in Egypt at […]

Predicting Climate Change  – Going big on public engagement!

Two projects are joining forces at the New Scientist Live Exhibition “the world’s greatest festival of ideas and discoveries” on 7-9 October at the ExCeL Centre in London. The UK TerraFIRMA project and the European Union funded ESM2025 project work complementarily on Earth System modelling and use the models to develop climate simulations to help […]

Methane Removal: Climate and Air Quality benefits

Methane (CH4) is a greenhouse gas and has contributed 0.5oC to current global warming. It comes from a wide range of human activities including agriculture, waste and fossil fuel use. It also comes from natural sources such as wetlands and fires which may increase in the future along with new sources from thawing permafrost. New […]