UKESM General Assembly 2021

The UKESM General Assembly 2021 took place online on 8 & 9th June and was attended by over 60 participants.

The meeting provided an update on progress for the UKESM project, a look forward for the final year of the extension of the project and a series of UKESM related science talks. Presentation slides and videos of the main talks are available on this page.

UKESM Progress Updates

by Colin Jones, Jane Mulcahy, Marc Stringer, Robin Smith, Jeremy Walton, Valeriu Predoi

Key highlights over the last year of UKESM included the development of UKESM1.1:

  • A new updated version of UKESM1, UKESM1.1, is now frozen and is currently being ported to ARCHER2 for use by wider community.
  • A number of DECK and ScenarioMIP simulations have been performed (with RFMIP-light ERF simulations underway)
  • Model gives a much improved simulation of historical temperature mainly attributed to a lower aerosol forcing.
  • Generally the model performs better or shows neutral change across a wide variety of important climate-relevant metrics
  • Impact on future projections is small but initial indications shows UKESM1.1 tends to warm less in SSP126 and SSP370

Looking forwards, plans for UKESM2 are being considered. UKESM2 will be built on HadGEM3-GC5 (available ~ spring 2022, and should be frozen by the end of 2022). The aim is for UKESM2 to be “operational” / science ready about the end of 2024/start of 2025. Some of the proposed developments include:

  • Workhorse will stay at N96L85 – ORCA1L75
  • Have an exploratory configuration at higher resolution (using hybrid approach)
  • Ability to run model with emissions of CO2, CH4 and some portion of Nr/N2O
  • Interactive Antarctic and Greenland ice as standard
  • Wildfires interactive and coupled to carbon cycle and atmospheric composition
  • Thermal acclimation of plant photosynthesis
  • Improved representation of human land use
  • Nitrate aerosol
  • Improved stratospheric ozone

Science Talks

A series of UKESM-related science talks were presented by the UKESM Core Team and collaborators showing some of the latest results using UKESM1: