Name: CMIP v6.2.0
Provision: Y
Equivalence concentration: Option 3
Additional information: Equivalent concentrations of CFC-12 and HFC-134a, as provided by Meinshausen et al. (2017), are used to represent the radiative forcing of all fluorinated gases. Concentration is treated as spatially constant, using the global mean data of Meinshausen et al. (2017).
Provision: Y
Additional information: Concentration is treated as spatially constant, using the global mean data of Meinshausen et al. (2017).
Provision: Y
Additional information: Concentration is treated as spatially constant, using the global mean data of Meinshausen et al. (2017).
Provision: Y
Additional information: Concentration is treated as spatially constant, using the global mean data of Meinshausen et al. (2017).
Provision: Y
Additional information: 3D concentration of ozone is prescribed throughout the troposphere and stratosphere, using the data of Hegglin et al. (in prep).
Provision: Y
Additional information: 3D concentration of ozone is prescribed throughout the troposphere and stratosphere, using the data of Hegglin et al. (in prep).
Provision: E
Additional information: H2SO4 is formed by the gas-phase and aqueous oxidation of precursor gases SO2 and DMS. Emissions of SO2 are taken from anthropogenic sources (Hoesly et al., 2018) and from continuously degassing volcanoes (Dentener et al., 2006). We use the biogenic DMS emission dataset of Spiro et al. (1992), and an interactive marine DMS emission calculated using the flux parameterisation of Liss & Merlivat (1986) and climatological DMS sea water concentration of Lana et al. (2011).
Provision: E
Additional information: The model uses primary emissions of black carbon aerosol from biomass burning (van Marle et al., 2017) and anthropogenic (Hoesly et al., 2018) sources. Biomass burning emissions are scaled by a factor of 2 in order to achieve reasonable agreement with observed AOD in present-day simulations.
Provision: E
Aerosol effect on ice clouds: false
Additional information: Cloud droplet number concentration is diagnosed from CCN and the variance of updraft velocity using the scheme of West et al. (2014).
Provision: E
Aerosol effect on ice clouds: false
Rfaci from sulfate only: false
Additional information: nil:inapplicable
Provision: M
Additional information: Dust emissions are calculated online using wind speed, soil moisture, bare soil fraction and soil properties, using the scheme of Woodward (2011).
Provision: N/A
Additional information: nil:inapplicable
Provision: E
Additional information: The model uses primary emissions of organic carbon aerosol from biomass burning (van Marle et al., 2017) and anthropogenic (Hoesly et al., 2018) sources, and additionally simulates the formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA). Biomass burning primary emissions are scaled by a factor of 2 in order to achieve reasonable agreement with observed AOD in present-day simulations. SOA is formed from the oxidation of terpenes from biogenic (Sindelarova, 2014) and biomass burning (van Marle et al., 2017) sources.
Provision: M
Additional information: Primary emissions of sea salt aerosol are calculated online using instantaneous model wind speed with the scheme of Gong (2003).
Provision: Y
Historical explosive volcanic aerosol implementation: nil:withheld
Future explosive volcanic aerosol implementation: Type B
Additional information: Stratospheric aerosol is not simulated interactively. Volcanic forcing is imposed on the model's radiation scheme using zonal mean fields of extinction, single scattering albedo and asymmetry parameter, using the CMIP6 dataset.
Provision: E
Historical explosive volcanic aerosol implementation: Type E
Future explosive volcanic aerosol implementation: Type E
Additional information: A constant background 3D emission of SO2 is used to represent the tropospheric source from both continuously degassing and explosive volcanoes, using the dataset of Dentener et al. (2006). This SO2 feeds into the interactive tropospheric aerosol simulation (see aerosol component description).
Provision: Y
Crop change only: false
Additional information: The model uses prescribed vegetation fractions, specified as five plant functional types (PFTs), including C3 grass and C4 grass. A present-day distribution of PFT fractional coverage is derived from the IGBP land cover dataset (Global Soil Data Task, 2000), and changing crop and pasture fractions are projected onto this distribution using the land use data of Hurtt et al (in prep). Rangeland is not taken into account.
Provision: irradiance
Additional information: Total and spectral solar irradiance are specified using the CMIP6 dataset of Matthes et al. (2017). The upper and lower limits of the model spectral bands are 200 nm and 10,000 nm; the CMIP6 SSI from 10 nm to 200 nm is included in the first model spectral band (200 - 220 nm), and the CMIP6 SSI from 10,000nm to 100,000 nm is included in the last model spectral band (2,380 - 10,000 nm).
Details: No flux correction is used.
Year released: 2016
Cmip3 parent: HadGEM1
Cmip5 parent: HadGEM2-AO
Previous name: nil:inapplicable
Cmip5 differences: Ocean and sea-ice component models have been completely replaced since HadGEM2, by NEMO and CICE respectively. Vertical resolution of the ocean has increased to 75 levels, with 1m resolution at the surface. The number of atmospheric vertical levels has increased to 85, and the stratosphere is now well-resolved with an 85km top. The model has a new dynamical core, and key physics developments include prognostic cloud, condensate and rain, a 2-moment aerosol scheme, and improvements to liquid and mixed-phase cloud microphysics. Key land surface developments since HadGEM2 include a multi-layer snow scheme and improved canopy-radiation interaction.
Repository: Requires registration - available on request.
Code version: MetUM vn10.9, NEMO vn3.6, CICE vn5.1.2
Code languages: Fortran90, c, python
Components structure: Atmospheric and land components are compiled as a single executable, coupled to an ocean and sea-ice executable via OASIS3-MCT.
Coupler: OASIS3-MCT
Global: Atmospheric water is conserved globally in the dynamical core after using a corrector. Water is not conserved in some parameterizations. Global water non conservation in each of the atmosphere, ocean, soil moisture, river routing, land snow and sea ice sub-models is smaller than an acceptance criterion of 10 mSv (10,000,000 Kg s-1).
Atmos ocean interface: Water is not intrinsically conserved in the atmosphere/ocean coupling interface. Global non conservation of water is smaller than an acceptance criterion of 10 mSv (10,000,000 Kg s-1).
Atmos land interface: Water is conserved by ensuring that one of the terms in the surface water balance equation is determined as the residual of the other terms. The atmosphere and land models share a common grid, so there is no horizontal interpolation error.
Atmos sea-ice interface: Water is not intrinsically conserved in the atmosphere/sea-ice interface. The model contains an error in the implementation of the sublimation flux from sea ice to atmosphere. Global non conservation is however smaller than acceptance criterion of 10 mSv (10,000,000 Kg s-1).
Ocean seaice interface: Freshwater is conserved intrinsically between ice and ocean. Freshwater is passed from ice to ocean by means of a single flux, constructed during the sea ice mass balance calculations. It is incremented in proportion to the net decrease in combined ice and snow mass during a timestep, with the net sublimation component removed. In addition, it is incremented by the quantity of rain falling on the sea ice surface, which is assumed to drain immediately to the ocean.
Runoff: River water is routed conservatively using the total runoff integrating pathways (TRIP) model of Oki and Sud (1998) to outflow points over the ocean. The river outflow field is interpolated to the ocean grid the using 1st-order conservative remapping, and the result is added to the surface freshwater flux.
Iceberg calving: Icebergs are explicitly advected by the ocean model, supplied by a calving flux at the coast. The magnitude of this flux is set to balance snow surface mass balance (see snow accumulation property). The spatial distribution of the calving flux is taken from the dataset of Marsh et al. (2015), and is scaled independently for the northern and southern hemispheres.
Endoreic basins: For closed seas the volume of water within each basin is calculated. If the volume increases water is transported to a pre-defined runoff point in the open ocean. If the volume decreases then water is gathered from everywhere else on the globe to make up the short-fall. in this manner the water volume of closed seas lakes remains fixed.
Snow accumulation: Snow is allowed to accumulate on land and sea-ice with no removal. This accumulated snow is available as a source of melt in long climate runs. In order to avoid drift in the ocean fresh water mass, an iceberg calving flux is used, the magnitude of which is calibrated using the net surface mass balance (=snowfall - sublimation - runoff) over regions of permanent snow cover, diagnosed from the end portion of the piControl-spinup.
Global: Atmosphere model is not formulated to conserve atmospheric energy. It uses instead an energy correction, calculated daily as an energy residual and applied on each timestep as a uniform temperature increment. Global energy non conservation is two orders of magnitude smaller than an acceptance criterion of 0.1 W m-2.
Atmos ocean interface: Heat is not intrinsically conserved in the atmosphere/ocean coupling interface. Global energy non conservation in the interface is three orders of magnitude smaller than acceptance criterion of 0.1 W m-2.
Atmos land interface: Energy is conserved by ensuring that one of the terms in the surface energy balance equation is determined as the residual of the other terms. The atmosphere and land models share a common grid, so there is no horizontal interpolation error.
Atmos sea-ice interface: The atmosphere/sea-ice coupling interface is located immediately below the sea ice surface, as described in West et al (2016). Heat is exchanged between the models by means of three fluxes: downwards conduction, top melt and net sublimation. To enable fluxes to be roughly proportionate to underlying ice area, they are passed as local values in which the gridbox mean flux calculated in the atmosphere is divided by the ice fraction field used for the ensuing coupling period. This method has been shown to conserve energy perfectly in theory, but there is an implementation error in the sublimation flux which leads to a loss of conservation. Despite this error, heat is conserved to within an average of 10e-5 Wm-2 in practice.
Ocean seaice interface: Heat is intrinsically conserved between ice and ocean. At the beginning of the ocean timestep, freezing potential is calculated, passed to the sea ice model in order to grow new ice, and the ocean non-solar heat flux is incremented by this amount. The sea ice model constructs an ice-ocean heat flux during the thermodynamics calculations. An initial value (<=0) is calculated based on the extent to which sea surface temperature is greater than ice base temperature. This is then incremented by the energy used to melt ice. At the end of the timestep, the flux is passed to the ocean model, and is used to increment the ocean non-solar heat flux during the following timestep.
Land ocean interface: No heat is exchanged between the land and ocean.
Details: The momentum conservation properties of the ocean and atmosphere have not been explicitly diagnosed. Wind stress is regridded from the atmosphere to ocean grid using non-conservative bilinear interpolation.
Ocean seaice interface: Salt is conserved intrinsically between ice and ocean. Salt is passed from ice to ocean by means of a single flux, constructed during the sea ice mass balance calculations. It is incremented in proportion to the net decrease in combined ice and snow mass during a timestep, with the net sublimation component removed. For the purposes of these calculations, sea ice is assumed to have a uniform salinity of 8.
Canonical name: atmos
Short name:
Description: Atmosphere Realm
Overview: Atmosphere Realm
Scheme type: fixed grid
Scheme method: finite difference
Scheme order: nil:inapplicable
Horizontal pole: filter
Grid type: Latitude-Longitude
Coordinate type: hybrid sigma-pressure
Scheme name: semi-Lagrangian
Scheme characteristics: staggered grid | 3rd order |
Scheme staggering type: Arakawa C-grid
Conserved quantities: nil:inapplicable
Conservation method: nil:inapplicable
Scheme name: None
Scheme characteristics: cubic semi-Lagrangian
Conserved quantities: dry mass | tracer mass |
Conservation method: Priestley algorithm
Canonical name: aerosol
Short name:
Description: n/a
Overview: n/a
Code version: UM11.0
Code languages: Fortran 90/2003
Canonical name: land
Short name:
Description: Land Realm
Overview: Land Realm
Description: Incoming precipitation is divided between canopy intercepted and throughfall. Throughfall at a rate lower than a (hydraulic conductivity based) threshold infiltrates the soil. Surplus is partitioned into surface runoff. Movement of moisture between soil layers is based on the hydraulic relationships of van Genuchten.
Types: Horton mechanism | topmodel-based | Dunne mechanism |
Number of ground ice layers: 4
Ice storage method: Soil water may freeze with the amount dependent on the minimisation of Gibbs free energy.
Permafrost: nil:inapplicable
Method: nil:inapplicable
Allocation bins: nil:inapplicable
Allocation fractions: nil:inapplicable
Maintainance respiration: nil:inapplicable
Growth respiration: nil:inapplicable
Method: nil:inapplicable
Method: nil:inapplicable
Method: nil:inapplicable
Canonical name: seaice
Short name:
Description: Sea ice realm
Overview: Sea ice realm
Grid: Ocean grid
Grid type: Structured grid
Scheme: Incremental remapping
Thermodynamics time step: 2700
Dynamics time step: 2700
Additional details: nil:inapplicable
Layering: Multi-layers
Number of layers: 4
Additional details: The layers are equally-spaced.
Salinity type: Constant
Constant salinity value: 8
Additional details: nil:inapplicable
Salinity type: Prescribed salinity profile
Constant salinity value: nil:inapplicable
Additional details: salinity = saltmax/2 * (1 - cos(pi * layer number - 0.5 * (ns/(ms + depth)))) where saltmax, ns, ms = 9.6, 0.407, 0.573 respectively, where layer varies from 1 to 4.
Canonical name: ocean
Short name:
Description: Ocean Realm
Overview: Ocean Realm
Type: Two north poles (ORCA-style)
Scheme: Finite difference / Arakawa C-grid
Staggering: Arakawa C-grid
Coordinates: Z*-coordinate
Partial steps: true
Reference dates: Present day
Type: true
Ocean smoothing: The model bathymetry is based on the ETOPO2 dataset (NOAA, 2006) with bathymetry on the Antarctic shelf based on IBSCO (Arndt et al., 2013). The Antarctic coastline is smoothed to remove single grid point inlets and avoid the spurious accumulation of sea ice related to the different grid of the coupled sea ice model.
Isolated seas: Caspian Sea as ocean points
River mouth: nil:inapplicable
Eos type: Polynomial EOS-80
Eos functional temp: Potential temperature
Eos functional salt: Practical salinity Sp
Eos functional depth: Depth (meters)
Ocean freezing point: UNESCO 1983
Ocean specific heat: 3991.8679571196
Ocean reference density: 1026
Code version: 3.6 stable
Code languages: Fortran
Type: Preconditioned conjugate gradient
Scheme: Leap-frog + Asselin filter
Time step: 2700
Splitting: None
Time step: 2700
Scheme: Leap-frog + Asselin filter
Time step: 2700
Method: implicit / backward stepping
Type: Space varying
Constant coefficient: nil:inapplicable
Variable coefficient: 2x10^4 m2/s-1 at equator reducing linearly with grid spacing and with a hyperbolic profile over depth
Coeff background: 0
Coeff backscatter: false
Direction: Geopotential
Order: Harmonic
Discretisation: Second order
Type: Space varying
Constant coefficient: nil:inapplicable
Variable coefficient: 1000 m2/s at equator reducing linearly with the grid spacing
Coeff background: 0
Coeff backscatter: false
Type: HL
Constant val: nil:inapplicable
Flux type: advective
Added diffusivity: none
Direction: Isoneutral
Order: Harmonic
Discretisation: Second order
Langmuir cells mixing: true
Type: Turbulent closure - TKE
Closure order: 1.5
Constant: nil:inapplicable
Background: constant, 1.2e-4 m2/s
Type: Turbulent closure - TKE
Closure order: 1.5
Constant: nil:inapplicable
Background: constant but reduced in tropics, 1.2e-5 m2/s
Convection type: Enhanced vertical diffusion
Tide induced mixing: baroclinic based on climatologies
Double diffusion: true
Shear mixing: false
Type: Turbulent closure / TKE
Constant: nil:inapplicable
Profile: false
Background: constant, 1.2e-4 m2/s
Type: Turbulent closure / TKE
Constant: nil:inapplicable
Profile: false
Background: constant but reduced at tropics, 1.2e-5 m2/s
Overview: The model uses a non-linear free surface in which the cell thicknesses throughout the water column are allowed to vary with time (the z* coordinate of Adcroft and Campin, 2004). This permits an exact representation of the surface freshwater flux. The equation for the surface pressure gradient is solved using a filtered solution in which the fast gravity waves are damped by an additional force in the equation (Roullet and Madec, 2000). An advective and diffusive bottom boundary layer scheme is used (Beckmann and Doscher, 1997) with a lateral mixing coefficient of 1000 m2/s.
Type of bbl: Advective and Diffusive
Lateral mixing coef: 1000
Sill overflow: nil:inapplicable
Scheme: Non-linear filtered
Embeded seaice: false
Type: Non-linear
Type: Free-slip
From atmopshere: Freshwater flux
From sea ice: Freshwater flux
Forced mode restoring: Restoration to monthly climatology using a -33.33 mm/day/psu retroaction coefficient.
Scheme: 3 extinction depth
Ocean colour: false
Extinction depth description: The three-band RGB model of Lengaigne et al. (2007) is used, in which visible light is split into red (600-700nm), green (500-600nm) and blue (400-500nm) wavebands. The given extinction depths are valid for a constant 0.05 g.Chl/L chlorophyll concentration.
Extinction depths: 2.619 m (red), 12.713 m (green), 39.984 m (blue)